SIZE: Large, with “stick” in the center (hard neck)
HEAD SHAPE: Large, flattened and regular
CLOVE FORM: Curved, thick and irregular diameter
NUMBER OF CLOVES PER HEAD: Between 10 and 12 cloves
SCENT: Soft and low in allicin
FLAVOR: Moderate, smooth with a spicy touch. Medium flavor intensity
COLLECTION: May and June
USE: Raw, semi-dry or dry. For frying, baking and stewing
It has a hard stem, the leaves of the bulb have a white color with thick purple streaks and the skin that covers the pinkish cloves is between red and brown.
With a size similar to that of the White Spring, the Violet Spring bulb is usually of a good caliber and has a similar growth time to the Spring bulb but is harvested a little later.
It is a great variety of garlic, easy to adapt for cultivation and very early in its development.
It has a spicy touch and a mild aroma.
- Bag / mesh 100, 200, 250, 500 and 1,000 gr.
- 5 kg bags
- Box 5 and 6 kg
- Bulk
* Custom packaging for large volumes of orders.

Ctra. de la Rambla-Montalbán, Km 2
14548 Montalbán de Córdoba
Córdoba (España)
+ 35 957 31 00 95